Barcelona changes tourism tactics in the Covid-19 era The pandemic has dealt a huge blow to tourism-dependent countries like Spain and cities such as Barcelona, one of Europe’s most popular. The regional government of Catalonia re-imposed restrictions in Barcelona forbidding more than 10 people from gathering and advised people to stay at home on Friday Establishments selling food, drinks, hygiene and other. Protesters who deny the existence of Covid-19 and object to restrictions to curb the pandemic's spread clashed with police in Barcelona on Friday. Tourist information offices and booths open: Reopening of hotels and tourism lodging in Barcelona (Gremi d'Hotels de Barcelona) -. As part of Spain's coronavirus disease (COVID-19) restrictions relaxation plan, the government announced on Friday that Madrid and Barcelona will move from Phase 1 to Phase 2 of the plan on Monday, June 8, while over the half of the country will move to Phase 3. Take away meals may be served between 7 pm and 10 pm on the premises, and until 11 pm in the case of home delivery. It’s important not to panic but it’s also very important to be careful. Protesters who deny the existence of COVID-19 and object to restrictions to curb the pandemic's spread clashed with police in Barcelona on Friday. Demonstrators stand behind a burning barricade during a protest against Covid-19 restrictions in Barcelona, Spain on October 30, 2020. Travel for urgent care for elderly people, minors or people dependent on others or with a disability and the duly justified journeys of these people. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with this. These limitations do not affect sports technification and high-performance sports centres or professional sports installations and facilities. More than 1,000 protesters took to the streets of Barcelona on Friday to protest against a new round of lockdown restrictions aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus. Barcelona City Council has been playing a key role in the management of the healthcare and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, and has been working hard with its finances and resources to offer city residents all the services, aid and protective measures they need in these truly exceptional times. The French government, facing the threat of a new wave of Covid-19 infections, lengthened an overnight curfew by two hours in parts of the country to help combat the virus. Social gatherings with a maximum of 6 people (2 bubble groups), You may not be in the street between 10 pm and 6 am, Shopping centres and shops with floor space over 400 m2 closed, Bars and restaurants open from 7.30 am to 9.30 am and from 1 pm to 3.30 pm, Non-essential commercial establishments open from Monday to Friday. Coronavirus: Clashes erupt in Barcelona over Covid-19 restrictions 30/10/2020. Travel to and from work or for work-related reasons only where remote work or teleworking is not possible (requiring a certificate from the company). Travel back to their usual place of residence after taking part in one of these permitted activities. Moreover, before handling food, wear or remove contact lenses. Changing rooms cannot be used, except at swimming pools. When this is not possible, measures must be adopted that ensure that the minimum interpersonal safety distance can be maintained, or offer protective equipment that is appropriate to the level of risk. Child-minding activities will continue, providing they are to help families achieve an adequate work-life balance. Wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or alcohol solutions, preferably after: being with someone with a cold, using public transport, touching common surfaces such as railings, handles of doors, etc., coughing, sneezing, bruising, going to the toilet, healing a wound. Closure of shopping centres and establishments of over 400 m2, except for establishments providing essential goods and services. Maintain proper hygiene habits, such as not putting pens or fingers in your mouth, not touching your eyes and nose, etc. Under the new Catalan Territorial Civil Protection Plan (PROCICAT), at the metropolitan level, municipalities in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area are working together with the Catalan government to contain outbreaks. To attend official and professional sports competitions. Spain is not requiring tourists from the UK and EU countries and Schengen area to quarantine when visiting Spain after 21st June 2020. Covid-19 PCR tests to travel to Barcelona by air or sea and Health Control checkpoints. People in Spain who display symptoms of COVID-19 will be individually directed to quarantine by a medical professional. Museums, libraries, archives and exhibition venues are open, with a maximum capacity of 50%. Infringements considered to be very serious include reiterated non-compliance with obligatory self-isolation, agreed by the competent authorities, by people who have tested positive for Covid-19, and reiterated non-compliance with the protocols, plans and instructions received from the competent authorities. All other outdoor activities, school sports and extra-curricular activities are suspended. Paris has, for now, been spared the additional restriction. By VOA News. Outdoor sports and swimming pools only. Infringements will be classified as very serious when they represent an infection risk to more than 150 people. It is necessary to follow governmental restrictions in Barcelona and minimise your social interactions to prevent the deadly virus from spreading. Travel for emergency healthcare assistance and purchasing pharmaceutical products. Measures in force from November 9. New restrictions have been announced in England and Scotland, while Northern Ireland has extended its lockdown. Extra-curricular activities and sports at school permitted with bubble groups from usual school hours. It was the first region to fully close bars and restaurants mid-October, much to … Bars and restaurants open from 7.30 am to 9.30 am and from 1 pm … Spain's north-eastern Catalonia region has again recorded a daily Covid-19 infection figure of more than 1,000, as residents endure new restrictions. Coronavirus Street violence in central Barcelona after protest against Covid restrictions El Nacional Photo: Sergi Alcàzar | Video: Guillem Ramos Barcelona. Catalonia - home to Barcelona - has imposed some of Spain's harshest COVID-19 restrictions. Hundreds gather despite COVID restrictions to welcome Cristiano Ronaldo to Barcelona Angry crowds hurled projectiles at police in Barcelona, Spain, on Friday as hundreds of protesters gathered in the streets to demonstrate against the new Covid-19 state of emergency. Catalonia - home to Barcelona - has imposed some of Spain’s harshest COVID-19 restrictions. However, you may now collect food up until 10pm. To attend school or university, including nursery. If you have a condition which puts you at risk, take extra care with your precautions. © REUTERS/Nacho Doce. And remember that the main measures for slowing down the transmission of the virus are: maintain a safety distance, wash your hands, use a facemask, reduce social contact as far as possible and avoid crowds. There needs to be a safety distance of two metres between tables and a maximum of four people per table (except for bubble groups). Do not touch handkerchiefs worn by others directly with their hands (for example, if they may be on the floor). People are advised to reduce social and family gatherings in enclosed spaces as much as possible, including in homes. Going out into the street is not permitted between, Anyone who has to travel for reasons of force majeure must take along a. If the rate is less than 0.9 and admittances go down, the reopening process will continue. This decree also regulates the violations of the new restrictive measures on night-time mobility and closing times for commercial, cultural and sports activities. Bars and resturants. Travel to walk a dog between 4 am and 6 am. Check what the rules are in your area … School transport can continue, in accordance with the sectoral plans approved by PROCICAT and applying the corresponding prevention and protection measures. Reus and parts of Vallès Oriental also affected . Bars and restaurants in shopping centres must remain closed. The use of a face mask is obligatory in a workplace environment whenever the work space is for public use. If you’ve got Covid-19 symptoms or you’ve been in contact with somebody diagnosed with it, get in touch with your primary healthcare centre or call 061 (freephone number).. Stay at home and isolate yourself from all other householders. Protests erupt in Covid-hit Barcelona as bars and restaurants shut for 15 days 16 Oct, 2020 15:02 . Information about the measures for the new normality in Barcelona. The Catalan government has begun to ease restrictions introduced in Barcelona city and parts of Lleida province in a bid to slow the spread of the coronavirus.. On Wednesday, regional authorities lifted the confinement of the city of Lleida and another six municipalities of the comarca of Segrià in Lleida province – Alcarràs, Aitona, la Granja d’Escarp, Seròs, Soses and Torres de Segre. Non-compliance with occupancy limits in enclosed or outdoor spaces, non-compliance with opening hours and closing times for different types of establishments and activities, and non-compliance with prevention and hygiene measures adopted by the authorities will be considered as serious infringements. Social gatherings are limited to a maximum of six people (household groups) from two household bubbles. Do not share glasses nor alike with co-workers and/or other people. Aeroport de Barcelona - Terminal 1: Monday to Saturday, from 10am to 6pm. The shared consumption of alcoholic drinks in public streets and other places open to the public, without the corresponding operating licence, will be considered a minor infringement, with a fine of between €500 and €3,000. except for exhibitions with 33% of capacity. Holding events or activities which have been expressly prohibited will also be considered a serious infringement. Infringements will be classified as minor when they represent an infection risk to a maximum of 15 people. Maintain cleanliness and disinfection of workspaces. The following are exceptions to the entry and exit restrictions: The following are exceptions to night mobility restrictions: In order to tackle the health crisis caused by Covid-19, the project for Decree Law 30/2020Decree Law 30/2020. Nightclubs, dance halls and entertainment venues, as well all venues with a dance floor that play music, will continue to be closed to the public. Cabina Colom: Friday to Sunday, from 2:30pm to 8pm. 25 & 26/12, 1 & 6/1: closed. ​Hotel restaurants may operate from 6 am to 9 pm exclusively for their respective hotel guests. If the rate is greater than 1.0 and admittances increase, the measures will be revised. Coronavirus: Protesters clash with police in Barcelona over COVID-19 restrictions. Cinemas, theatres, auditoriums and concert halls are open with 50% capacity, up to a maximum of 500 people. Sundays, from 9am to 2:30pm. Outdoor sports activities allowed with a maximum of 6 people, except for federated sport. When these meetings are held in public spaces. The curfew will start at 6:00 pm, rather than 8:00 pm in parts of France, mainly in the country's east. Spanish regions toughen Christmas restrictions amid rise in coronavirus cases Authorities in Madrid, Valencia and Catalonia announce new measures in a bid to curb transmission over the holiday season A customer sits at an empty sidewalk café in Barcelona, where new restrictions on the food service industry will come into effect on Monday. Travel for work purposes is only permitted where teleworking is not possible. Fines for serious infringements will range from €3,001 to €60,000. We are now in tier 1, with new restrictive measures that will remain in force from 7 to 17 January. About 50 demonstrators threw bricks and - The number of COVID-19 related hospitalizations has hit record numbers in at least 14 European nations this week, according to AFP data compiled using official figures. BARCELONA (Reuters) - Protesters who deny the existence of COVID-19 and object to restrictions to curb the pandemic's spread clashed with police in Barcelona on Friday. Non-compliance with the use of face masks or their inadequate use will be considered a minor infringement, with a fine of €100. Worker mobility needs to be limited as much as possible, remote work has to be enabled and flexible working hours encouraged. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Barcelona hoteliers have mobilized to fight the Covid-19. The Spanish government Friday announced it will allow the cities of Madrid and Barcelona to ease their COVID-19-related lockdown measures beginning Monday. Very serious infringements may lead to fines of between €60,001 and €600,000. Barcelona is subject to restrictions on people’s movement and meetings following a rise in coronavirus infections in the city. The Barcelona Hotels Covid Free / Covid Ready label . Minor infringements may lead to fines of up to €3,000. People with Covid-19 symptoms, or who have to self-isolate or be in quarantine for any reason, may not take part, under any circumstances. You can change your settings or, All the information for professionals Covid-19, ASPB - Barcelona's Public Health Agency - Questions and answers, Generalitat de Catalunya - Coronavirus general information, Generalitat de Catalunya - Information for the tourism sector, Generalitat de Catalunya - Information for companies and other professionals, Ministry of Labor and Social Economy - FAQS ERTES, Ministry of Labor and Social Economy - Guide for the action in the workplace, Ministry of Labor and Social Economy - Guide for the labor exceptional measures. If the rate is between 0.9 and 1.0 and admittances remain stable, the adopted measures will be extended. Friday, 30 October 2020. 23:27 Updated Sunday, 1 November 2020. Governmental Restrictions in Barcelona. 25 & 26/12, 1 & 6/1: closed. The Catalan government is the authority responsible for adopting, abolishing, amending and implementing measures to prevent infections. Neither entering nor leaving Catalonia is permitted, except for justifiable reasons. Exempted from this are programmes and activities involving social-educational intervention, educational recreation and free-time education in children’s and adolescents’ leisure and youth-support programmes, as well as social and personal intervention activities, such as soup kitchens, hairdressing and podiatry. Food and drink must always be consumed at tables. To take official tests or exams that cannot be postponed. Event. According to reports, the Mossos d'Esquadra (the Catalan police) ruled out evicting attendees to avoid possible confrontations. County lockdown all week. Access control must be ensured, and the use of unsupervised sports facilities is prohibited, including open-air public sports courts and pitches. BARCELONA: Catalonia announced on Monday (Jan 4) a tightening of restrictions to tackle an uptick in COVID-19 infections, banning people from … Diners musts wear a mask throughout and only take it off when eating or drinking. The postponement of non-professional competitions remains in force. Enhanced Covid-19 restrictions still in application in Barcelona and Lleida areas . Country-Specific Information: Due to COVID-19 Spanish travel restrictions, U.S. citizens cannot enter Spain unless they meet very specific requirements or have already obtained special permission from the Government of Spain. Open-air sports facilities and outdoor swimming pools remain open with 50% of their user capacity. Check here the real-time data about the evolution of the Covid-19 in Catalonia.Recommendations of the WHO and the Department of Health: Our website uses its own cookies and third-party cookies to improve and personalise our services and make it easier to browse the site. Travel for collect and look after minors where their parents are separated, divorced or living in separate residences. Restrictions on people entering and leaving. To fulfil professional obligations where remote work or teleworking is not possible. Indoor capacity is limited to 30% (adequate ventilation is required), and 100% on outdoor terraces. Exercising the right to demonstrate and to political participation. In this context, the Government of Catalonia has initiated a plan for resuming activities, agreed with the various sectors. Priority must be given to orders placed by phone or online, or products given to customers at the establishment’s entrance. The Generalitat has initiated a plan for the gradual resumption of some activities. Infringements will be classified as serious when they represent an infection risk to between 15 and 150 people. The holding of in-person commercial fairs is suspended. The recommendation is for such gatherings to be limited to dependent or vulnerable people, always within the same bubble group. - Austria has announced a night-time curfew from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. and the mandatory closure of all cafes, bars and restaurants unless they can provide a take-away service that will take effect from Tuesday. The plan consists of four fifteen-day phases, which will be reviewed in accordance with the evolution of the infection rate (R number) and new hospital admittances: Plan for the progressive resumption of activities. Gyms closed. The capacity may extend to 1,000 individuals, without exceeding the 30% limits, provided extra ventilation, air-quality and crowd-control measures are complied with. Opening hours are from 6 am to 9 pm (except for essential activities), with maximum 30% capacity. Keep distance with others and avoid physical contact. Measures to combat Covid-19 in Barcelona. American nationals in Spain who are under quarantine should be aware that they will not be allowed to return to the United States until medically cleared to do so by a physician or responsible Spanish authorities. For the hotels this has meant imagining a new way of operating so that their guests' stay is 100% safe. Social gatherings with a maximum of 6 people (bubble groups) You may not be in the street between 10 pm and 6 am. To attend social and healthcare facilities. Get an overview of the current coronavirus precautions in Barcelona and in Spain by clicking on their Ministry of Health page. Public transport will maintain 100% of their services. Furthermore, cleaning and disinfection measures adapted to each centre must be adopted. You may be out later than 10pm if you are collecting food, but you must take the least time possible to return home and have your receipt with you. No face-to-face civic or community activities are allowed in civic facilities. You are recommended to limit contact to the. It is recommended that journeys outside the home should be limited as much as possible, along with the use of public thoroughfares. Closure of sports facilities and sports halls in enclosed spaces, except for indoor swimming pools, which can remain operative with 30% of their user capacity. Nearly 150 people continued to party on Friday at a rave in an abandoned industrial building in Llinars del Valles, near Barcelona, despite COVID-19 restrictions. Emergency action before the judicial bodies. It is not permitted to enter or leave the municipality where you live throughout the week, except for justified reasons and to do physical exercise or practice individual sports outdoors between bordering municipalities. Travel by professionals and volunteers for essential, healthcare and social services (Accreditation required). Bars and restaurants remain open only for takeaway and delivery. In social gatherings, you must continue to maintain essential measures, including social-distancing, hygiene and protection, by means of wearing a face mask. To look after elderly people, children or people dependent on others or with a disability. Spain lifts quarantine for EU, UK and Schengen area for visitors. Volunteers dace during a concert in Barcelona, Spain, Saturday, Dec. 12, 2020. FILE PHOTO: A hospital staff member prepares to treat a patient suffering from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), after Catalonia's government imposed new restrictions in … Audience capacities may extend to a maximum of 1,000 people per performance, seated, by prior booking and without exceeding the 50% limit, if extra ventilation conditions are complied with and crowd control is established. Spain's north-eastern Catalonia region has again recorded a daily Covid-19 infection figure of more than 1,000, as residents endure new restrictions. Eager for a live music show after months of social distancing, more than 1,000 Barcelona residents gathered Saturday to participate in a medical study to evaluate the effectiveness of same-day coronavirus screening to safely hold cultural events. Small retail establishments and commercial establishments of less that 400 m2 may only open. Cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief when coughing or sneezing. 16:00 Reading time: 3 minutes 2021 Begins with Expanded Coronavirus Restrictions — and Glimmers of Hope. Those with less than 400 m2 and direct street access may also open to the public, except on Saturdays and Sundays, with maximum 30% capacity. (CA), of 4 August, approved by the government, establishes three types of infringements for non-compliance with health and prevention measures, along with their respective penalties. Given the surge in the number of cases of COVID-19, the Spanish government has declared a state of emergency (ES) so that Spain’s regional governments can adopt the necessary measures for containing the pandemic. Cabina Sagrada Família: Monday to Sunday, … Of 500 people to prevent infections fulfil professional obligations where remote work or teleworking not! Fine of €100 Ramos Barcelona do not share glasses nor alike with co-workers and/or other people police. High-Performance sports centres or professional sports installations and facilities public transport will maintain 100 % on terraces. Been spared the additional restriction school transport can continue, providing they are to help families achieve adequate. Your mouth, not touching your eyes and nose, etc we are now in tier 1, with fine. Risk to a maximum capacity of 50 % capacity from 6 am to 9 pm ( for... Services ( Accreditation required ) allowed in civic facilities & 26/12, 1 & 6/1: closed: protesters with... 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