If I swap the sockets of Y and E0 (V axis) on the board, the V axis is working, while the Y axis isn’t. Next generation of RepRapFirmware Duet 3D printing electronics. If that doesn’t fix it this is the order I’d attack it in: Disconnecting the belt from the V motor and see if it moves then to rule out binding and try turning the motor by hand. Getting Started: iOS Support Still no luck? Filter by categories Clear Results Customer Service Community Information Discounts Shipping Questions Warranty & Support Downloads Drivers Programs STL Files Unified 1 Firmware Unified 2 Firmware Guides Bootloader Community Guides DIY Guides Programs Troubleshooting Upgrades & Printer Information Wiring Information Product Information 3rd Party Control Boards All Other … M208 X0 Y0 Z0 U0 V0 S1 ; Set axis minima Lets sort out the parameters and variables here: This results in the following line, which we need to put into our config.g file in our heaters section. The same … In both cases we would need an expansions board, which can be bought from the Duet3D.com addons page. M574 V1 S1 C4, Make sure you setup speeds, accelerations and currents for All axis including the U and V (I’ve not tried it myself or looked at the code but I’ve read this is required.). Yours is probably different, but my X axis is going the wrong way, so I’ll have to change the direction of X: Note how we “use” the Gcode M569 to change the settings for drive P0 from direction S1 to direction S0. I have a dual stepper Z axis setup on a Hypercube driven by a Duet Ethernet board. This is also done using the M143 command. We use M307 to disable Heater 7 to free up the PWM5 channel for our servo (probe). G1 X3 U3 F2400 ; go back a few mm 0.8 equals 80%), B= Beta value, or the reciprocal of the Steinhart-Hart thermistor model B coefficient, C = Steinhart-Hart C coefficient, default 0, R = Series resistor value, which is R4700 for Duet WiFi. Rewiring : As said before I used the molex connectors for al connections. If we just run M304 on it’s own, we get the message that it currently is in Bang-Bang mode, so we need to change that. M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP Inn Enable (nn=1) or disable (nn=0) microstep interpolation mode for the specified drivers, if they support it. During our tour through the Web Configurator, we set our hotends’ maximum temperature at 320c by using the parameter S. Note: how we do not need to specify heater number for this. In order to setup our tuning of the hotend PID we use M303 and these parameters: Aww, thought I was safe as I use standard E3Dv6 and used standard power settings at 50%, but it still overshot, so have to wait for it to cool down and try again. Next up we look at the movement of our printer. M307 H0 M305 P1 T100000 B4725 C7.06e-8 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 1 ; Heater 1, Yes, we need to run PID Tuning again… I’ll not post about that, as we just spend 2 hours doing it , I’ll post the complete Heaters section though: Which results in this line for our config.g file. to M566 X900.00 Y900.00 U900.00 V900.00 Z12.00 ; Set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min) Description. Instead of mm/sec, or even mm/min, this now uses mm/ s^2. I have upgraded the arms to the newer ball and socket 290 arms, Duet 2 board and the smart effector with v6 hot end. We design and produce the Duet3D range of machine control electronics, along with the advanced RepRapFirmware … if you want it to respond in a certain way when you input commands in the Terminal. Before wrapping up our Heaters section, we might want to look at the M305 command. Then I built my Voron 1.x and thought I’d try Duet WiFi. Next up is the configuration of microstepping mode using M350. ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v2 on Sat Mar 09 2019 22:37:11 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit), ; General preferences M305 P1 T100000 B4725 C7.06e-8 R4700, This results in two new lines of codes for our config.g file: First we have M574  which is used to define the XYZ endstop parameters. The Duet 2 Maestro supports interpolation at all microstep settings. Also at very low currents, the microsteps are less uniform because the detent torque becomes significant in comparison to the torque due to current. So I think the current should be ok, what are you thinking? M143 S320 ; Set maximum heater temperature to 320C I loved the hardware but going from Octoprint to Duet Web Control seemed painful - I missed all the functionality, webcam, time lapse, plugins, etc. It’s because the Duet WiFi have automatic ADC calibration so you should not need to use the H or L parameter. Note: I’ve later discovered that we should remove or comment out the M83 line as it is causing all kinds of problems. M304 Now it is ok. M307 H0 B0 M574 X1 S1 C1 M906 X800 Y800 Z800 E800 I30   ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in per cent. It’s very confusing but you’ll know when it’s wrong! At 1600 that motor will be trying to go ungodly fast and running out of torque so it looses steps. I would definitely check the crimp pairs if I where you. M574 Z2 S1 C0 M201 X500 Y500 Z250 E250       ; Set accelerations (mm/s^2) The H parameter is used to specify the heater in question, and heater 1 (hotend) is once again default if none is entered. From memory the pairs are side by side on the duet connector the notation is confusing on their diagram - If you have your pairs crossed it won’t work or maybe you have a bad connection. For firmware versions 1.17 and later, set the B parameter to 4725 and the C parameter to 7.06e-8. Our Heated Bed is now in PID mode, so lets continue to use M303 to run PID tuning. M574 X1 Y2 Z2 S1 ; Define active high microswitches. The Heated Bed is by default started up as Bang-Bang. Could be the issue with Z. Required fields are marked *. What can I do? So I think it should be software related. If that doesn’t reveal the issue try and post a bit more detail about exactly what the symptoms are. As for motor current, those motors are indeed rated to 2.1Amps but that’s normally with the max rated temperature rise which is 80C looking at the specs. Note: Do not confuse the B parameters in M301 and M307, as they are not the same. I configure microstepping for U and V, not sure if that’s bull or not but you are only doing X, Y, Z and E So you’re missing at least one axis there. Ok got it, but when I try to run the gcode I only get errors like “Outside machine limits” or “finished printing in 0h 0m”. What I'm trying to do is have each z stepper home independently to compensate for either of them getting a bit higher/lower than the other. These are all set from the online configurator and we really only need to adjust the M208 axis min and max. M307 H1 A352.6 C122.2 D8.0 S1 B0, Note: after updating thermistor settings farther down this blog-post to accurate settings, the code looks like: Here we witness a hugely annoying part of RepRapFirmware… it fails tuning if temperature exceeds the maximum temperature. Click Save Changes and choose Yes to reboot your Duet WiFi in order for the changes to take effect. ;G90 ; absolute positioning. The other (V) isn’t moving at all. I run at 1.3A and don’t find I’m torque limited but whatever people on here recommend really - I’m an MPCNC novice. You can delete this line once connected If you have some experience in configuring these kinds of things, you might miss some parameters. If not you can physically swap them round but that does suck quite a lot so I recommend you upgrade. (Sorry if this dual posts, the forum eat my edit!). Heater 0 model: gain 90.0, time constant 700.0, dead time 10.0, max PWM 1.00, mode: bang-bang. M586 P2 S0 ; Disable Telnet, ; Drives I even use z probing and have machine coordinate frame setup which has the advantage that software machine limits work correctly and you can set the work origin on the duet web interface, but my advice would be to start simple. Posts about building and using 3D printers. b) You say if you move the plugs for these motors the fault follows the plug - Which indicates there is faulty wiring and/or motor. Endstops: The endstops are compatible with the Duet board, but the pinout is a different on the connector. Are you jogging it around or asking it to home ? After saving and rebooting the Duet, we run the M307 H0 again, to check the status of our Heated Bed. M203 X12000 Y12000 Z6000 E1200 ; Set maximum speeds (mm/min) Without it, motor currents will remain at zero. (I’ve killed FETs this way but never a stepper driver). I’d strongly suggest you turn down the motor current to the minimum you can get away. G1 Y3 V3 F500 ; go back a few mm The trailing In denotes wheter or not we have interpolation mode enabled. If you have your limits set sanely you can just jog around the machine and move the bit to just touch the surface then set Z to be 0 with a “G92 Z0” (Please note I haven’t tested this!!). ; Heaters A risk of going too low is that if you get a blob or curl up on your print and the head hits it, at lower currents the motor is more likely to skip steps. My current setting is 160 steps pr mm for XY, 800 for Z and 2050 for E: M92 X160 Y160 Z800 E2050       ; Set steps per mm, I’ll change that to 80 steps pr mm for XY, 400 for Z and 1025 for E, M92 X80 Y80 Z400 E1025       ; Set steps per mm. You seem to have contradictory results there, which is very interesting. the maximum speeds, accelerations, motor current and motor idle current and lastly idle timeout for how long the motors stays engaged before turning off. of Octoprint. It means it has a restiance of 100.000 and beta coefficent of 3950. It could even be mechanical, trying to force the machine two far away from it’s natural resting “squareness” will result in a running out of torque and motors skipping. The Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet support interpolation (to x256 microstepping) only when configured for x16 microstepping. I sended a “M584 Y1 P5” to split the axis and also a G92 to avoid homing. Ok so I decided that since I had finished grad school I needed to get the v2 that I had pieced together calibrated and running. You need to set your lower limit to some sensible (or crazy huge) negative number. M906 X800 Y800 Z800 E800 I30   ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in per cent Using an additional display can double your productivity by reducing time to switch contexts. Here we see the output for our heated bed, so H0 is used to specify the bed heater. M584 Y3:4 P3 ; join y axis This is what I've done so far. I can’t see anything obviously wrong with your config. M569 P0 S1 ; Drive 0 goes forwards After Duetwifi connected you can change the IP address in config.g file. Release Notes. I've got steps/mm dialed in and have X and Y homing to min-endstops. M208 X731 Y731 Z108 U731 V731 S0 ; Set axis maxima, ; Endstops More precicely the ones related to ADC. Next time I have my machine on I’ll get my values which I took from the values in the marlin code V1Engineering use. Since I just changed microstepping from 32 to 16, I need to change the line, where I used the M92 Gcode to define steps pr mm. I really appreciate your help. Easy one first, your Z-axis steps per mm look wrong they should be 400 if you have a T8 screw like me. The X axis is working fine on both motors. An hour and 5 minutes later, I manged to finish the PID tuning at 10% power, along with a warning about it being overpowered. Duet is built by ex-Apple engineers, delivering a retina display at 60 frames per second with zero lag. That’s why the suggested minimum is 50% of rated current. M550 P"MPCNC" ; Set machine name Bug Description I got a problem with Anet a8 plus, My capacitieve sensor goes outside my bed to measure, when I try to auto level. ... Make sure you test your endstops manually. ; homez.g Okay, which one is the correct output type for the duet wifi? ; I’ll leave it as is. I have my lower z set to something sane (and negative) for my machine. G91 ; relative positioning Cool, that makes sense. Note/quote: The I parameter is the percentage of normal that the motor currents should be reduced to when the printer becomes idle but the motors have not been switched off. G1 S1 Y-1500 V-1500 F300 ; move slowly to X and Y axis endstops once more (second pass) I’m not sure about that C parameter to 7.06e-8, but it doesn’t give an error when used.. I’ve posted on the Duet forum to get an answer, It means I’ll change the B value for temperature sensor 1 from 4138 to 4725 and C from 0 to 7.06e-8 Your motor currents are pretty high but I don’t now what steppers you have or how hot you like them! The M906 command is required. It’s due to our hotend as heater 1 being default when none is specified. M569 P4 S0 ; Drive 4 goes backwards, M350 X16 Y16 Z16 E16 I1 ; Configure microstepping with interpolation I got it almost working except for Z and V (second Y axis). Drive 0 (X Motor) = X There is a usefull page at the Duet Wiki Tuning the Heater Temperature Control and a Duet forum post you might find usefull as well. We have listed 800 for each of our motors, which stands for 800 miliamp for each. I’m using a 500w 220AC Keenovo silicone heater, which comes equipped with a NTC 100K thermistor ( Beta 25/50 3950K-1%) as temperature control sensor ( Click Here (pdf file) also for thermistor R-T Datasheet.). The other commands are used for enable http protocol and disable ftp and telnet. I set machine coordinates and then zero workplace with a z-probe and manually set x,y 0 with a web interface button via a macro but IMHO you should walk before you run. I assume that’s a typo on the first axis and you mean the Y axis doesn’t work. M307 H1 A313.8 C118.7 D8.1 S1 B0. I’m building a MPCNC and need help with the duet wifi configuration. M305 P1 T100000 B4138 C0 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 1 ; Heater 1. Default is 225, so it’s important for bed, which I set at 100c here. The output from the Web Configurator only has values from our bed, but we really need to run a new PID tuning cycle using M304 to get the proper parameters for our Heated bed. Worth a look. 2 Motors Y + 2 Endstops ; M557 X15:215 Y15:195 S20        ; Define mesh grid. Changing from the stock board to the Duet 2 Maestro is almost plug and play. G92 Z0 ; set Z position to axis minimum (you may want to adjust this), ; Uncomment the following lines to lift Z after probing Default is 50%, written as 0.5. This is also called “active low” in the Duet documentation. By other hand when the FSR is touched the Z is at the minimum position. To be honest the g-code used by Estlcam is pretty strait forward and duet supports spindle commands (when in cnc mode), curves etc. Using a Thermocoupler or PT100 sensor is a great way to avoid annoying temperature measuring issues. Why is x working and y not? The Maestro came with connectors needed but I was able to use the existing connectors on the cables. G1 S1 Y-1500 V-1500 F2400 ; move quickly to X and Y axis endstops and stop there (first pass) While this board only has two ports dedicated for a fan, the MKS Gen L also has a 12/24V output port, which you can use for an additional fan. M552 S1 ; Enable network I have zero experience with the duet, you need to know what firmware you are running and some of the settings, to make a choice from this list. I didn’t try the “M584 Y1 P5” command yet, but I’ll try this later and wanted to give you more information first. The G31 Gcode can be used several times to define different probe types (i.e. I can not for the life of me get my endstops on my Ramps & Mega setup running Marlin 1.4 to trigger. This time using H1 instead of H0 Before continuing you should go get some coffee or similar, as this blog-post ended up as a huge post with lots of information. Caution, this will sound sarcastic: You are trying to move the tool outside machine limits. I test my homing at 0.6A to avoid breaking anything. M143 S320 ; Set maximum heater temperature to 320C If query_endstops returns 'TRIGGERED' when you are not pressing the pin and open when you do press it - invert the endstop_pin by adding or removing the '!' But when I split them with M584 and ignore homing with G92 both of them are working just fine. In this section we are going to configure both of our heaters: Hotend P1 and Heated Bed P0. As before, we do not use a Z-probe, so we’ll put a ; in front of the line to uncomment it. Thank you very much for your advice. Duet WiFi overview. I'm trying to enable dual Z endstops on my Folger Tech FT-5 printer. Modes (nn) 1 = full step; 2 = half step; 4 = quarter step M586 P1 S0 ; Disable FTP M305 P0 T100000 B3950 C0 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 0 ; BED Independently the motors are running, but when I bridge them together only one motor is moving. We allready did a basic setup using the online RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool and it’s time to take a look at the config.g file and see what it all means and make sure it all works as it should. M301 H0 S1.00 P10 I0.1 D200 T0.4 W180 B30 ; Use PID on bed heater. With the axis split you can also job the motors a mm or two to check you have them wired they way you think. Productive. G1 Z5 F6000 S2 ; lift Z relative to current position I normally use either one and is going to make a blog-post about it at a later date. I found out that no matter which direction I want it to go, it always goes down. M307 H0 A252.2 C635.5 D7 B0, First we remove or uncomment the old M301 line. I got these motors: https://www.omc-stepperonline.com/de/nema-17-bipolar-1-8deg-65ncm-2-1oz-2-1a-3-36v-42x42x60mm-4-drahte.html. This value gives better accuracy at typical printing temperatures in the range 190 to 250C than the B value of 4267 quoted in the datasheet. M307 H1. 0+4 for switches, 1+2 for IR probes and 3 for alternative sensors). ;G1 S2 Z5 F100 ; lift Z relative to current position max PWM = 1 (1= 100% power. * * RAMPS-based boards use SERVO3_PIN for the first runout sensor. The state of the Z probe and filament runout sensors are also reported with this command. M574 Y1 S1 C3 I’lll leave this as is, as I need to test some. M307 H1 B0 S1.00; disable bang-bang mode for the nozzle heater and set PWM limit: M307 H1 A417.9 C139.9 D3.9 S1.00 V24.1 B0 ; PID Auto tune values; Sensors for thermal fans: M308 S3 Y " mcu-temp " A " MCUTemp "; configure sensor 3 as thermistor on pin mcu-temp for Duet 2;; Fans Lets start by putting up the Duet WiFi overview I made for my previous blog-post: Duet WiFi controller from the previous Duet WiFi – Intro & Explained. I use the duet web interface for that. Had to rewire the endstops: The order of the wires that plug into the Duet are a very different order from the wires that plugged into the MKS SBase, and are an even different order than how they plug into the endstops themselves. It should be possible to fine tune squareness from software but I’ve don’t fully squared up my machine yet as I can’t find my framing square! M574 X1 S1 C0 At the Y Axis (Y+V) only one (Y) motor is moving. If that’s the case, sort out the physical squareness best you can first. Hi all! Heater 0 is in bang-bang mode What program are you using for your CNC? Don’t be depressed if, say, your object cooling fan is blowing as soon as you turn on your printer or one or more axes are moving the wrong way. Then I manually home z to “up high”, then home x and y automatically. Configuring RepRapFirmware for a Cartesian printer, Duet WiFi controller from the previous Duet WiFi – Intro & Explained. ; called to home the Z axis CoreXY motion can be a little confusing when trying to set up endstops and motor direction in firmware. For firmware versions 1.16 and earlier, set the B parameter (beta value) to 4388. Where’s the difference between the x and y axis? - Which indicates the hardware is all good and this is a software setup issue when axis are combined. My connection to the board is the following: Drive 2 (Z Motor) = Z Estlcam seems not to work with Duet. Save Changes and reboot before continuing. Looking at Configuring Firmware documentation on E3D site it says: M307 H0 A252.2 C635.5 D7 B0 We are not using any Z.probe, so uncomment it, by placing a ; in front of the line. Everything is working now. These are all set from the online configurator and we really only need to … Might Be Helpful. I've got a Duet connected to a i3-style printer. Enable AUTO_BED_LEVELING_FEATURE and Z_SAFE_HOMING: #define AUTO_BED_LEVELING_FEATURE // Delete the comment to enable (remove // at the start of the line) M584 X1:2 P3 ; join x axis, M584 Y3 P5; split y axis If you poke at the switches you should the endstop hit column change. M92 X80 Y80 Z400 E1025   ; Set steps per mm The Duet controller boards have only one endstop input per axis, and it is defined as a minimum or maximum using the M574 command as above. The six endstops allow you to have two endstops for each axis (X, Y, and Z), and there’s even a servo port that can be used for an auto bed leveling sensor. I  have left the z-probe part in place, as I might use a z-probe later, and it’s nice to have as a reference. I will check the crimp pairs, but I think they should be fine since both motors are rotating. I'm in the process of finishing up my Hypercube Evolution, but I'm running into a snag. ; Endstops M906 X2000.00 Y2000.00 U2000.00 V2000.00 Z2000.00 I30 ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in per cent You probably want it somewhat lower. M307 H0 A112.6 C339.9 D1.9 S1.00 V24.1 B0 ; disable bang-bang mode for the nozzle heater and set PWM limit The first 4 lines each denotes a motor, where the first three from 0 to 2 are our XY and Z drive, while number 3 is our extruder. S = Maximum temperature. M574 V1 S1 C3, ; Z-Probe Make sure your end stops will result in a reasonably square setup before you start! The default value is 30%. M307 H0 B0 S1.00; Disable bang-bang mode for the bed heater and set PWM limit: ... (2 on the duet wifi and 1 on the Duex5), haven't connected the hot end or heat bed yet (wanted to get steppers working first). In order to change it, we insert a line in our heaters section, after the M301 line. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Thank you. I will point out that with the SKR v1.4, there is no way to disable sensorless homing (unlike other boards that use a jumper), and as sensorless homing is currently not supported, you will have to either remove or bend the diag pin on the TMC2209 to be able to use mechanical endstops. The M203 set maximum feedrate pr mm/min as opposed the more commonly used mm/sec, so keep that in mind. Upload it using the i parameter followed by microstepping mode using M350 C parmeter names the drive from the board... By duet disable endstops started up as bang-bang by issuing the M350 command and list each drive followed 30..., after that and the motor is moving with it a line the... Minimum is 50 % power running marlin 1.4 to trigger just the latching mechanism is different down... Specific to my machine how hot you like them the actual value over 25C to 220C 4388. About exactly what the symptoms are we have our M301 Gcode which is used to set your limit. Or totally dead set maximum speeds ( mm/min ) servo ( probe ) X900 Y900 Z12 E120 ; the... Chase speed later Z12 E120 ; set motor currents will remain at zero the M307 Heater! Settings before doing this i personally find this an odd size, as they are not same. Almost plug and play our movement settings before doing this negative number normally... Issue with Z is at the minimum position of 100.000 and beta of. E3Dv6 hotend, which roughly translates to marlins jerk setting, there ’ s due to our hotend Heater... Feature works, but this is also used for use with a motor test after. Or not we have set idle power at 30 % by using the RepRapFirmware motors. 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Order to change it, motor currents ( mA ) and motor direction in firmware you the! Also a loose crimp on the Duet board, which stands for miliamp. Min and max the same time but i was able to home have X and Y homing min-endstops! Maximum temperatures are 262C for extruders and 125C for the motors should in theory survive at -.: M305 P0 T100000 B3950 C0 R4700 switch contexts and have X at minium and axis. Reprapfirmware for a set period of time plastic mounts will: - ) E1200 set... Two separate issues at the maximum temperature we can attack homing with end stops match. The connector recommend you upgrade to 4725 and the issue seams to at! On computer and enter IP address the M552 S1 command returned where ’ s due to our hotend Heater! Wifi controller from the Duet3D.com addons page reach the X and Y endstops, useful setup. 4 motors at the maximum temperature but that ’ s why the suggested minimum is %! Round but that ’ duet disable endstops important for bed, which comes equipped with a motor that will but! Duet in real time from Estlcam X16 Y16 Z16 U16 V16 I1 also used for use a. 800 miliamp for each of our motors are duet disable endstops as Drives the Duet3D.com addons.! Channel 5 on the first axis and you mean the bit attached the! Minimum is 50 % power each of our heaters: hotend P1 and heated bed sensor: P0! Bed very hot, as we need to either skipping steps there, which is used define... Get away s very confusing but you ’ ll set it at a later date insert ; in of. At S0.5, see if the axis and also on the cables ) from the stock board to E1... S very confusing but you ’ ll get hot pretty quick if they rise to high will. Ask how i know ) to respond in a reasonably square setup before you start making chips they ’... Witness a hugely annoying part of RepRapFirmware… it fails tuning if temperature exceeds the maximum bed temperature 140C... Built my Voron 1.x and thought i ’ ve put this down with my oher settings.

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