If she’s fine in these situations then you might be dealing with separation anxiety. I will try anything, cheers Sharon. Let me know how you get on. The process you’ll need to use is called desensitizing and reconditioning. Let me know what you decide and how you get on. Well behaved, obedient, very intelligent, gentle, very much loved member of the family. I have a nearly 3 year old female german shepherd. It burns excess energy and satisfies your dog's natural guarding instinct. For example, the need to go outside, asking for food or playing. So now my Shepard has an expectation to have constant attention from us as well as having bad habits praised through constant attention. In most cases it’s just a phase that will pass, but because barking is self rewarding it can quickly form into a habit. So when he does get out he’s going to pull and yank on the leash. How to stop your German Shepherd puppy from whining or barking in the crate. I thought he might be excited while playing and that’s why he gets upset when I walk away because he wants to continue playing, but sometimes we won’t even be playing and he’ll start to nip a little. I know that some of it is because she wants attention but no matter how much I tire her out – going on long walks lasting up to 2-3 hours (the walks aren’t consistent as I’m a high school student and the only one walking her and the weather doesn’t allow for mid-day walks (she goes into the house at that time) and my parents won’t allow me to walk her at night)- she is still barking all night. This is why they are often kept as guard dogs. I tried yelling and throwing things to break her concentration (newspapers, balls, nothing harmful) but not only is this dangerous while driving I figured out quickly that it is counter productive. Also have you tried to move the crate to a different position, room, or area? It was developed by Adrienne, the same trainer who wrote the article on fear periods I mentioned above. If you have more questions, feel free to drop it here in the comments. -H. The fact that he was always outside with at his previous home could be the reason he’s so bent on being inside when you’re home. If possible, you want to crate train your German Shepherd puppy starting the first night you bring them home. Counter-condition. She is quite a nervous dog, and also very protective of me. Our favorite: The German Shepherd Handbook (on Amazon) - Shows you all you need to know to keep your GSD happy, healthy and well-behaved. You’re going to need high value treats for this training because you’re asking him to stop doing something that’s especially rewarding within itself. I have a 1 ½ GD girl who is generally well behaved and we had managed to get her barking under control. One of my dog training heroes has written an excellent article on these phases and gives some solid advice. It’s this combination that makes them quite incredible beasts. Keep socializing. What are your thoughts about this specific barking? It's complicated. Since his socializing window has closed, the humane and safe way to teach him that it’s safe to interact with other dogs is through desensitizing and counter conditioning, as discussed in this article. But obviously, most people dont want a barking, fully grown GSD bouncing up at them when they enter the house. They constantly communicate. But if you keep ignoring the behavior as you are doing, the behavior will taper down and eventually be eliminated. Follow the same steps by getting your dog excited and revved up. A nice thing is you can fill the toy with a portion of night time food and give it to him. Wherever that point is, that’s where you start. The owner told a neighbor that the GSD is too “tough to walk” and she’s not strong enough. But if a German Shepherd is barking excessively, it may be a sign that your dog mistrustful or uncomfortable in the presence of strangers. My dog at 6 months came with a few issues, which we have sorted, jumping, nipping. doggiedesires.online is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. At parks, I’ll stop his play session for a few minutes to get him to relax and release him for play. Our biggest issue there is she lunges at people. That way you can be the one who works with Abby. And what I’d recommend is starting with the desensitizing and counter-conditioning training steps in the article I linked to earlier. This all started thanks to the dog next door that attacked her when she was a puppy. They’re still warm and protected from the elements. Because the more he practices the behavior the more ingrained it becomes. Feel free to drop any other questions you have in the comments, I’m happy to help. Hi i have 2 german shepherds one a female who’s 1 year and a male that’s 8 months and everytime my neighbor get his dogs outside they freak out and they dong listen to me when i call them so is there anything i could do so they stop barking and teaching them to come when i tell them to? Instead, an alternative option would be to stop giving it attention until it stops barking at you and then to reward it when it does not bark at you. I recommend using pairing the speak and quiet command to teach your boy that he can bark in these situations but when you ask for a quiet, it means enough. I have a 5 month old GSD, Piper, that can be very vocal. This means she’ll have lots of short trips outside with you so she’ll still get her exercise and playtime but in bursts that are dictated by your napping baby. GSD’s are also naturally territorial to a degree, if you think about what function the are bred for. It’s likely that your older fur friend has encouraged the barking habit. Even although she has 2 friends with her, I leave her inside if I’m going to be away for a while. Barking isn't necessarily a problem, but it can be if the dog is bored. We told the trainer about the problem and he told us to take him back home and there he would continue his training schedule. However, she became super agitated when there little kids around and becomes kind of a problem when families are visiting. The second one has a lot to do with their sexual maturity and the fact that if they were in the wild they’d need this genetically wired “fear” as a survival tool. Copyright © 2014–2021 GermanShepherdCorner.com All Rights Reserved. I have a German Shepherd that liked to go bark at the horses while I was at work to the frustration of my neighbor. Up until the last three or four days she was never a big barker, when she got excited, yes, but never anything excessive. Pick high value treats. Our favorite: Ollie Dog Food - it's good because it tailors the food to your German Shepherd's specific needs Get 50% off your first order with this link. A certificated trainer can help you learn this. If she’s doing the right thing by quitting her barking when she’s ignored, there’s no need to take any further steps. And in the wild, it’s the age where they would begin to hunt with the pack so their fear instinct is important for survival. A neighbor’s GSD constantly barks, at everything and anything, at us: the moment we open a window, open the back door, out working in the yard, etc. She’s a great dog but she seems more interested in receiving attention then obeying commands. Use variable reinforsment scheules here as he progresses. Any suggestions for a GSD Neighbor? Of course it’s not a bad thing to give our dogs attention but it’s important for them to learn that they won’t get it if they whine or bark. The two of them live in seperate areas of the house because my husband doesn’t trust my shepherd though she has never been agressive with another dog. Which is totally fine! I’m not sure how to densensitize her to all the wildlife moving around here. Is there a place in the yard where you can restrict him to where he can’t actually see the chickens? This goes along with desensitizing. A couple of months after adopting her, we were at the pet store and this mom and daughter asked if they could pet her and I said yes. Since the behavior is new it could work. She came to live with me as an adult and I still work with her everyday to overcome her fears. I adopted a 12 month old German shepherd about a week ago and he is extremely smart! Tethering him to you might be the answer, but just keeping the curtains drawn in the room he’s in can work too. The barking is so bad during the day we are having serious issues with our neighbors. Also, she barks non stop once she sees her. An experienced trainer will help you work with your dog to recondition and desensitize her. I like these tips hopefully they work for my family’s two GSD puppies. After a while, wait and see if he looks to for a reward. This is where you get really irritated and your neighbours can too. Just the way you want it to be. I hope this helps. I am not sure if the tips in this article apply to this scenario.. If you see she’s struggling to keep calm, move her further from your guests to the spot where she’s offering calm behavior then click and reward. Now you know how german shepherds show affection, let’s go into a little bit more detail. German Shepherds Owner is also a participant in affiliate programs with Dunbar Academy, Chewy and Clickbank. Take care. You could stuff Kongs with all-natural peanut butter (avoid the type with xylotil). Your pup will have to ‘work’ to enjoy the treat and this will take his mind off barking. Tips to Stop Dog Barking Many of the behaviors dog owners consider to be undesired are actually completely natural for dogs. On the positive side, the bark of these dogs makes a great security system. We take him as much as we can knowing it definitely is not going to get any better if we always leave him at home but we find ourselves extremely frustrated. Then once your visitors have been around for 10 minutes you can give him a release cue to come and greet your guests. The GSD has a fenced (chain link on our side) in yard, a doggie door. He reacts to EVERYTHING, leaves blowing on the ground,birds in the trees, people walking past the house,neighbourhood dogs, basically anything that moves. I got my 8 weeks old male GSD from a breeder who insisted not to take him out until he finishes all his vaccination. But you should continue with socialization. From what you’ve described it’s this ‘challenge’ that makes her react. people walking, riding bikes, someone ringing the doorbell etc.). I ask because his sudden change in behavior could be because something is bothering him since he was fine with his crate previously. It was solved by covering all Windows in the back and a divider separating the front and back with a blanket covering so the dog can’t see out the front while driving and then opening the front blanket a little bit at a time, as soon as the dog barks block off all view again. He is super smart, but once you slack off on any command, he seems to think, ok those rules don’t apply now, and you have to start over. I hope I’ve answered your question. i also know that if a dog pulls on a collar it makes them pull harder by reflex.). So for example, once your pup is comfortable with you leaving him for an extended time then only can your brother start following the steps. Now when he goes to bed he barks non stop until someone goes into the room and turns on the light. But in your case, you might want to think about getting her into a doggy daycare while you’re at work. Studies have shown that German Shepherds are likely and known to be vocal canines. Please please we have limited access to trainers, behavioural vets etc as we live in remote regional Australia. Do this over an over until the dog realises everytime it’s barks it dosnt get to look outside. Let me know if you have other questions. It’s a very simple game, but it’s super powerful. We have the same problem as Dan above, two brothers they live outside, adult dogs we are on 2 acres (Australia) they are both very protective of the fence line and are barkers at the best of times but in the last month or so one has taken to barking early mornings mostly around 2 am and 4am in the middle of the yard at or Near the side fence, now he does hate our neighbour on this side for some reason and barks constantly at him whenever he hears him in the yard, well they both do, so not sure what he did to them as the other neighbour dosent bother them at all and they have sheep, geese and all sorts in their yard ? nothing we can do about that now. Set your dog up for success by doing this very, very, very slowly. So instead of 55 minutes, make it 30 minutes then it’s back on-leash for a stroll. Like the postman, motorcycles, joggers, cyclists, etc. Lastly, all the training methods and program I recommend are hinged on clicker training. Check out this article to learn about these and how you can work with them. But since she already a big dog, sitting on the floor might encourage the behavior. Note: If it takes a while just be patient and persistent. So if he’s whining and barking and you finally give in and give him attention either by physical touch to pacify him or even by saying ‘no’ he’s got what he wanted. I just want to take a step back to Piper’s barking at the movement by the neighbors and passersby…. Its mainly just outside all day long. Is it when you put your shoes on? But what worked for me was to spend a lot of time training her which lead to boosting her confidence and so her behavior changed over time. Also, could this be a phase? She is un fixed until early next year, would that have anything to do with her behaviour? So don’t reinforce the behavior. You can also encourage him to enter by tossing one treat at a time into the crate. This can be due to various reasons that rescue dogs inevitably experience before being rescued – neglect, abuse, instability in their previous homes, and a lack of the training required during key stages in their early development. Tonight our neighbour came over who said the dog. And the GSD is a vocal dog, so this behavior is not uncommon. So, that means taking him inside out of site. Once you know she’s desensitized and conditioned to most nightly triggers you can put her out again. I hope this helps. My male for example was tough, but my younger female at the same age was a breeze. In terms of her reaction to strangers and strange dogs, it’s likely a confidence issue. A lack of confidence is something I see in rescue dogs a lot. Just reply to the email with any other questions you have. I’m happy to help. After about 20 seconds, I go back and continue playing. Focus only on one trigger at a time. 1) He has separation anxiety, when we are home. His siblings all do Shutzhund. It’s going to take some juggling since you’ve got a small baby but perhaps you could start a routine where you let her out when your baby is napping. Some puppies experience this intensely while others don’t. But with large breed dogs the age ranges can differ. I have an outside bark control device that emit ultrasonic sounds when it picks up barking, but it seems to have little effect on her. If you want to find out more, here is a full review I wrote about the program. Things to consider. If you train a behavior in the kitchen, it will need to be practiced in other areas in order for a dog to learn that the behavior is expected in other areas too. However, there are other signs of telling whether or not your German Shepherd, or any dog for that matter, is elderly. German Shepherds are descended from wolves, and there is a space in the primitive part of their brains that instinctually recalls some of their ancestor’s behaviors, and howling is one of them. . Recondition your dog, teach her that other dogs are okay. It could also be that he gives up on the kong because he’s over-aroused. You’ve got to make sure you let him out BEFORE she starts yelping or barking. You will likely hear your 8-week old German Shepherd puppy cry during the first night, but after that, he will be just fine. force-free training programs for your German Shepherd. Once he goes into the room with other dogs, he stops and they often comment on how loving he is. Keeping those building blocks in mind first break down in your mind the step by step process you folks go through before going for a car ride with Angus. The cheapest and most effective thing to calm your GSD. Each of the different reasons why your German Shepherd does it at night will likely come with a number of clues. It’s super great that you’re looking elsewhere to find a solution. I’m suggesting very, very short time frames because it’s a really slow process that needs to be followed. And if you do this with desensitizing, counter-conditioning and keeping him below his threshold you’ll be successful. Like many herding breeds, German Shepherds are barkers. He looks and behaves very much like a GSD. I have a 10 month old HAD, he is very well behaved and minds on most commands, except when someone is at the door, or comes in the house whether he knows us or not he excessibly barks. She has added my husband to her “to bark at” list, and will even take a nip at him as he ealks away from her, but loves him to pieces if I am not around. This Kong is especially great as an interactive toy. And one of those phases is around this time. Some dogs will use barking to communicate if they want something. Barking and excited barking is self-rewarding as you said but one thing that counts in your favor is that he’s doing these behaviors in your presence as opposed to when you’re away. We only investigate his bark if he has a low growl and high pitch barking we ignore, as this can become a “oh you are all up now so I’ve got your attention” anyway if you can contain your dog in the laundry it is easier to control what bark you will investigate and what bark you will ignore. It usually stays with them for life and can cause problems later. What a splendid site this is! But because they change as they mature and can become “rusty” it can and should be refreshed during the life of a dog. Here’s an article to check out (although it’s on Separation Anxiety) it’s tool 1 and 2 which are the training methods I mentioned above that you can use to help your girl. In my opinion hormonal changes due to a female nearing or in heat does have an effect on behaviour. GSD’s are working dogs and the need is still very strong in them. Yup Victoria Stilwell is one of my dog training idols! I’ve sent you an email with my advice. She runs around all day, but while in her crate at night, she barks constantly with no intention of stopping. Some dogs are more territorial and even more wary of newcomers than others. See more ideas about stop dog barking, dog barking, dog training. I wrote about the program extensively and also shared my opinions. but i would want some help i need him to stop barking at night only he can bark all he want in the day but please help me make him shut up at night lol.. 3. I believe many dog’s react to noise and movement in this way because they lack confidence which seems counter-intuitive but in the case of my female, this was the issue. The barking is mostly during the daytime but also happens at night and early in the morning. I’d only separate them as a last resort. And toys, I imagine are just getting him more excited. Hi, I lived in the UK for 8 years so I know how much the English LOVE dogs. My 6 month old German shepard will bark as we go into the dog park on leash at nothing or people or dogs, whatever. Sounds like your girl might have a case of low self-confidence. And in the times you’re outside you can practice the moster method. The only major problem that we are facing is when he comes into contact with other dogs. Here you can ask friends or family to help by walking past the house. Thankyou. She was never abused, but it’s looking that way. . I am in a terrible situation with my German Shepherd. As the object gets closer they are able to make sense of what it is. You don’t say whether she’s leashed or not, but dogs on leashes tend to bark at others who are off leash. He was quiet and scared of dog or people approaching him. So for this specific situation, I’d definitely seek help from someone who can work one-on-one with your girl. First of all, I have Multiple Sclerosis. Wear some ear plugs yourself and be consistent and you will see great results. The sleeping area is quite big. If you're new to this technique this is an excellent resource to understand the process. Here is my German Shepherd puppy, barking at some other dogs and then gets scared. Sometimes your dog will bark at a sound or an object, usually when he is startled. He raised his hair on his back and runs up to bark at anyone and then runs to me and sits. His behavior has made other dog owners scared, so we stopped taking him to parks or classes. I’ve now started praising her (“good girl”) if she doesn’t bark at someone (positive reinforcement) but this is hit or miss. I hope this helps. It also has the steps I used to teach my dogs “focus”. And the second is from 6 to 14 months. Is the agitation an “I don’t like children” reaction, or is it more an “I’m not socialized that well with children, so I’m cautious”? Were you able to do through crate training with her? She runs at the door, barking, running round in circles and at times making sort of very loud yelping noises which sound as though we were beating her! To desensitize Max, the next step is to pick a window and chill there with Max until a trigger appears so a kid on a bike, a random passerby. For the past 6 yrs. These feelings can be associated with a person or animal present when the shock is applied. The method I recommend to help your boy overcome his reactivity to other dogs is a 4-pronged approach. Please let me know what you discover by keeping a journal. If so, he might need more than the walk to feel stimulated. And again when you get home. I speak from personal experience since my departed Charley had a similar behavior problem with barking. Don’t talk to her, look at her or give her any kind of reward. She doesn’t try to harm me or my nephew but always tries to bite my daughter who is younger. This is a pretty useful tool to help stop unwanted barking once it’s begun. I highly recommend checking out the dog training program I follow with all my dogs. 6 weeks ago my shepherd grandson moved in with us. I try to socialize with her in her run, but do you know anything else that might work? And to top it off, I’ve experienced a calmness in my dogs that they did not have upon first being rescues – changing them from the inside out. The GSD barking sets off all of the other dogs in the neighborhood no matter what. During this phase, pups can become defensive and territorial. She barks mostly at other dogs barking, at sounds from neighbours, and at many other noises. Snapped at her first home, socialization was like including being very vocal when approaching owners. Turn this into a dog barking, don ’ t use kong ’ something. Of sorts avoid it this crate so he has had zero positive.! Then expects treats every time he ’ s going to start at the vet, I ll. Good ‘ focus ’ command re also much less likely to reduce barking! 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