googletag.pubads().set("page_url", ""); Because of the fee hike, Trail Blazers had to triple its tuition prices for families — many of whom are low-income and were receiving scholarships to attend the program. { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11654157' }}, Education Department officials tripled the cost to outside groups of using city facilities to run activities like after-school programs and sports — forcing some to jack up the fees for parents beyond what they can afford and effectively killing their chances of running sustainable programs. There's talk of hiking the eligibility age. Example from the Hansard archive. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("cdo_tc", "resp"); bidders: '*', expires: 60 }); Even if some families can pony up the extra funds, the programs need to reach a critical mass of sign-ups to open, and Peerbooms said his programs are still far from that goal. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("cdo_pt", "entry"); { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a9690ab01717182962182bb50ce0007', pos: 'cdo_btmslot_mobile_flex' }}, bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162050', zoneId: '776336', position: 'btf' }}, Tuition: $20,624: $30,540: Fees: $3,204: $3,204: Total Per Year: $23,828: $33,744 * For New Jersey resident and Non-New Jersey resident students living on campus, the value for Room & Board is $12,995 and Additional Indirect Cost is $4,100. { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_SR' }}, { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a969411017171829a5c82bb4deb000b', pos: 'cdo_rightslot_flex' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195465', size: [300, 250] }}, { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '387232' }}, pbjs.que.push(function() { bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776130', position: 'btf' }}, 2 lakh. { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_btmslot' }}]}]; bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776130', position: 'btf' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195467', size: [320, 100] }}, Socio-economic background was measured using information on the means-tested parental contribution to students' living costs and, At present, the vast majority of student radiographers are exempt from paying, This would also comfort their parents in terms of the curriculum and, The maximum grant will rise to £1,500 in 2005/06, and then again to £2,700 in 2006/07 when variable, Only eighteen to twenty students are accepted per year, out of some twelve hundred applicants, and, One issue on which our collaborators could not exert much influence was student, In some cases, the employer reimbursed the, Yet meeting the supplementary financial demand out of general taxation is politically unpopular: hence the introduction and inexorable rise in student. { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_SR' }}, { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_SR' }}, {code: 'ad_leftslot', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_leftslot', adUnitPath: '/2863368/leftslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[120, 600], [160, 600]] } }, { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_SR' }}, { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_btmslot' }}, expires: 365 var googletag = googletag || {}; Tuition definition, the charge or fee for instruction, as at a private school or a college or university: The college will raise its tuition again next year. Like, ‘what could we do to raise more revenue?’”. { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971080', delDomain: '' }}, { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '446381' }}, { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_rightslot' }}]}, Graduate non-resident students will experience an 8.6 percent increase in tuition — about $1,500 extra to the $18,271 tuition rate. Besides public spending (by governments and other public bodies), private spending via tuition payments are the largest revenue sources for education institutions in some countries. { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_leftslot' }}]}, "login": { if(refreshConfig.enabled == true) { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_topslot' }}]}, Decision to keep tuition fees at PS9k in Wales is welcomed Summary: Minister of State for Combatting Corruption Nicolas Tueni Friday condemned talk of increased tuition fees , and called on private schools to refuse such hikes. {code: 'ad_btmslot_a', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_btmslot', adUnitPath: '/2863368/btmslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[300, 250]] } }, { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '446382' }}, iasLog("exclusion label : wprod"); In the face of Covid-19, the College of William & Mary said it would roll back a previously approved 3% tuition increase and keep tuition and fees for all students unchanged for the coming year. if(!isPlusPopupShown()) var mapping_topslot_a = googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([746, 0], []).addSize([0, 550], [[300, 250]]).addSize([0, 0], [[300, 50], [320, 50], [320, 100]]).build(); { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195464', size: [120, 600] }}, Tuition payments, usually known as tuition in American English and as tuition fees in Commonwealth English, [citation needed] are fees charged by education institutions for instruction or other services. { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971079', delDomain: '' }}, “That just seems like exactly the opposite of what we should be doing,” said City Councilmember Brad Lander (D-Brooklyn). { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a969411017171829a5c82bb4deb000b', pos: 'cdo_btmslot_300x250' }}, { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '446382' }}, },{ }; googletag.pubads().setTargeting("cdo_pc", "dictionary"); { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971081', delDomain: '' }}, tuition fees definition: 1. money that a student pays to a university for their teaching: 2. money that a student pays to a…. googletag.enableServices(); {code: 'ad_rightslot', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_rightslot', adUnitPath: '/2863368/rightslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[300, 250]] } }, dfpSlots['btmslot_a'] = googletag.defineSlot('/2863368/btmslot', [[300, 250], 'fluid'], 'ad_btmslot_a').defineSizeMapping(mapping_btmslot_a).setTargeting('sri', '0').setTargeting('vp', 'btm').setTargeting('hp', 'center').addService(googletag.pubads()); { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_btmslot' }}]}]; 'cap': true {code: 'ad_leftslot', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_leftslot', adUnitPath: '/2863368/leftslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[120, 600], [160, 600], [300, 600]] } }, 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">. { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11653860' }}, "authorization": "", Add the power of Cambridge Dictionary to your website using our free search box widgets. { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '346698' }}, { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11654208' }}, Section 6. { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_btmslot' }}]}]; { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '387232' }}, Find more ways to say tuition, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 'max': 30, {code: 'ad_btmslot_a', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_btmslot', adUnitPath: '/2863368/btmslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[300, 250], [320, 50], [300, 50]] } }, bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776140', position: 'atf' }}, dfpSlots['leftslot'] = googletag.defineSlot('/2863368/leftslot', [[120, 600], [160, 600]], 'ad_leftslot').defineSizeMapping(mapping_leftslot).setTargeting('sri', '0').setTargeting('vp', 'top').setTargeting('hp', 'left').addService(googletag.pubads()); CA RESIDENT NONRESIDENT* Tuition and Fees: $14,254: $14,254: Nonresident supplemental tuition-$29,754: Student Health Insurance Plan** $3,286: $3,286: Room and board 'max': 36, { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '346688' }}, params: { { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195451', size: [300, 250] }}, { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_HDX' }}, // FIXME: (temporary) - send ad requests only if PlusPopup is not shown { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_btmslot' }}, iasLog("criterion : cdo_t = finance"); if(success && (tcData.eventStatus === 'useractioncomplete' || tcData.eventStatus === 'tcloaded')) { { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_leftslot' }}, { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11654156' }}, bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776156', position: 'atf' }}, pbjsCfg = { var pbMobileHrSlots = [ Still, that was an increase of about $1,100, or 15 percent, since 2010 after adjusting for inflation. }, In an earlier interview, Education Secretary Leonor Briones said schools that are approved for the tuition fee hike have to undergo "steps to ensure that the increase is reasonable and in line with DepEd guidelines which state that 70 percent of the increase must go to teachers' salaries" which will make their salaries "more competitive" to public … { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11654149' }}, filter: 'include' }, It just was not doable,” said April, a parent at P.S. { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_MidArticle' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195451', size: [300, 50] }}, googletag.cmd.push(function() { { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_btmslot' }}, } These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. In case of appeal from a decision on the increase of tuition or other fees, the Secretary of Education shall determine the reasonableness of the same taking into consideration, among others, the factors mentioned in Section 3 (c) of this Act. The total cost of private school education is calculated by multiplying the annual tuition fee with the number of years that a student has to complete in that level. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("cdo_l", "en"); PLANS to raise tuition fees in Wales have been ditched by the Welsh Government, meaning they will remain at PS9,000. Critics say the price hike needlessly hampers some of the few available childcare options for working parents at a time when support for such families is already sparse. { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195464', size: [160, 600] }}, The 18-member body will meet New year, new tuition hike? },{ 'buckets': [{ googletag.pubads().setCategoryExclusion('mcp').setCategoryExclusion('resp').setCategoryExclusion('wprod'); bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776160', position: 'atf' }}, filterSettings: { { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971080', delDomain: '' }}, var mapping_leftslot = googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1063, 0], [[120, 600], [160, 600], [300, 600]]).addSize([963, 0], [[120, 600], [160, 600]]).addSize([0, 0], []).build(); dfpSlots['houseslot_a'] = googletag.defineSlot('/2863368/houseslot', [300, 250], 'ad_houseslot_a').defineSizeMapping(mapping_houseslot_a).setTargeting('sri', '0').setTargeting('vp', 'mid').setTargeting('hp', 'right').setCategoryExclusion('house').addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().setTargeting('cdo_alc_pr', pl_p.split(",")); { { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_btmslot' }}]}]; window.__tcfapi('removeEventListener', 2, function(success){ "sign-in": "", Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. userIds: [{ name: "pubCommonId", But after-school providers argue the city is incurring the additional cleaning costs with or without their presence, and say it makes no sense to punish them for it. { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11654149' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '194852', size: [300, 250] }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195451', size: [320, 50] }}, iasLog("criterion : cdo_l = en"); { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971063', delDomain: '' }}, cmpApi: 'iab', { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195464', size: [160, 600] }}, bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776130', position: 'btf' }}, { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '346693' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195465', size: [300, 250] }}, Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. iasLog("__tcfapi removeEventListener", success); But forcing programs like his to shutter, he said, is “entirely unacceptable.”. { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_topslot' }}, ga('set', 'dimension2', "entryex"); googletag.pubads().setTargeting("cdo_c", ["business_financial_industrial_technology"]); { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a969411017171829a5c82bb4deb000b', pos: 'cdo_btmslot_300x250' }}, { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_topslot' }}]}, { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11654174' }}, { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_topslot' }}]}, But programs that aren’t city-funded are responsible this year for covering the permit costs out-of-pocket — and the Education Department abruptly tripled the price, a decision the agency attributes to the additional costs of cleaning buildings during the pandemic. } But Peerbooms noted the irony of price hikes being so steep that programs like his couldn’t even open their doors — and they’re now paying the city nothing at all. {code: 'ad_btmslot_a', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'cdo_btmslot', adUnitPath: '/2863368/btmslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[300, 250]] } }, Most undergraduate programs will cost seven per cent more for domestic students enrolled as of May 2021, meaning students will pay more than $200 in new tuition fees. { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11654208' }}, { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '11654156' }}, { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_btmslot' }}, storage: { { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_rightslot' }}]},||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date; var mapping_topslot_b = googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([746, 0], [[728, 90]]).addSize([0, 0], []).build(); { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '446381' }}, dfpSlots['rightslot'] = googletag.defineSlot('/2863368/rightslot', [[300, 250]], 'ad_rightslot').defineSizeMapping(mapping_rightslot).setTargeting('sri', '0').setTargeting('vp', 'mid').setTargeting('hp', 'right').addService(googletag.pubads()); type: "cookie", Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the. How to use hike in a sentence. "sign-up": "", pbjs.que = pbjs.que || []; Officials say the hike comes from additional cleaning costs this year to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but some programs are skeptical. }); { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_HDX' }}, priceGranularity: customGranularity, },{ googletag.pubads().disableInitialLoad(); 316 in Crown Heights, one of the schools where Trail Blazers had to increase tuition fees in response to the more expensive permits. Refer to the USU General Catalog for up-to-date information regarding Tuition, Fees and Refund information. { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195464', size: [300, 600] }}, Based on the CHED memorandum, 30 percent of the tuition increase collection will go to the physical development of the University, while 70 percent will go to the salaries of the faculty and non-teaching personnel. { bidder: 'pubmatic', params: { publisherId: '158679', adSlot: 'cdo_leftslot' }}]}, bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776156', position: 'atf' }}, Dubai private schools are making billions in tuition fees, says KHDA. Hike definition is - to go on a hike. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("cdo_t", "finance"); I hiked myself onto the ledge. bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162036', zoneId: '776140', position: 'atf' }}, Treasury, VCs, MPs endorse the decision to increase tuition fees per student from Sh16,000 to Sh48,000 per year. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("cdo_dc", "english"); { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a969411017171829a5c82bb4deb000b', pos: 'cdo_rightslot_flex' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195466', size: [728, 90] }}, "loggedIn": false See more. The state keeps hiking the tax on cigarettes. { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_MidArticle' }}, The UC system lost approximately $400 million of state funding, but still has a sizable $3.3 billion budget. Education Department guidance indicates there’s no additional cleaning happening between the end of the traditional school day and the start of the after-school program — meaning buildings are generally cleaned once a day whether extracurricular activities are running or not. 'min': 8.50, The Tuition and Fees Advisory Board will be busy winter term as it drafts its tuition and fee rate proposals for the next academic year. { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a9690ab01717182962182bb50ce0007', pos: 'cdo_topslot_mobile_flex' }}, 'increment': 0.5, Officials didn’t specify how many programs have had to shutter because of the permit fee hikes, but the cost increase isn’t only affecting after-school programs. 'min': 3.05, } var mapping_houseslot_a = googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([963, 0], [300, 250]).addSize([0, 0], []).build(); 'cap': true { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_rightslot' }}, { bidder: 'openx', params: { unit: '539971065', delDomain: '' }}, name: "pbjs-unifiedid", bids: [{ bidder: 'rubicon', params: { accountId: '17282', siteId: '162050', zoneId: '776336', position: 'btf' }}, { bidder: 'criteo', params: { networkId: 7100, publisherSubId: 'cdo_topslot' }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195467', size: [320, 50] }}, Students at the Trail Blazers after-school program. The tuition fee which was between Rs 20,000 and Rs 50,000 was increased to Rs. { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195451', size: [300, 250] }}, { bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '195451', size: [300, 50] }}, iasLog("exclusion label : mcp"); Because of the fee hike, Trail Blazers had to triple its tuition prices for families — many of whom are low-income and were receiving scholarships to attend the program. dfpSlots['topslot_b'] = googletag.defineSlot('/2863368/topslot', [[728, 90]], 'ad_topslot_b').defineSizeMapping(mapping_topslot_b).setTargeting('sri', '0').setTargeting('vp', 'top').setTargeting('hp', 'center').addService(googletag.pubads()); ‘But universities and colleges say that fee hikes were necessary to balance their budgets, maintain services, and protect quality of education.’ ‘The students who are actually facing tuition hikes, however, are left swallowing claims of ‘action’ on their behalf with a grain of salt.’ var dfpSlots = {}; { bidder: 'triplelift', params: { inventoryCode: 'Cambridge_MidArticle' }}, enableSendAllBids: false In common parlance, tuition fees are those paid to a university or professional school. { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a9690ab01717182962182bb50ce0007', pos: 'cdo_topslot_mobile_flex' }}, },{ said when someone new takes control of an organization and makes many changes, You’re in good hands (Idioms with ‘hand’, Part 2), Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. addPrebidAdUnits(pbAdUnits); 'cap': true { bidder: 'sovrn', params: { tagid: '346698' }}, iasLog("criterion : cdo_dc = english"); 'max': 3, Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? iasLog("criterion : cdo_ei = tuition-fees"); name: "idl_env", } { bidder: 'onemobile', params: { dcn: '8a969411017171829a5c82bb4deb000b', pos: 'cdo_topslot_728x90' }}, Fees per student from Sh16,000 to Sh48,000 per year holding daughter in arms. 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